Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today is a good day.

Today has been a very good day. Michael (ex-hubby) paid in full all the back child support that he owed. What a relief that is, now I don't have to listen to any of his excuses any more! Received letters from both Greg and Kyle. Greg's graduation date has been moved to November 8th, with family day being November 7th. It is because the 10th of November is the Marine Corps anniversary. Kyle graduates in two weeks. Where did the time go? He is doing so good, he sounds so happy.

We've even had rain off and on for the last several days. I love thunderstorms, and the rain. Have another storm coming in now, so I have to go.

Live fully......

1 comment:

Jack K. said...

Glad to hear the good news about everything.

The boys doing so well.

The rain.

The money.

Life is good.