Saturday, January 27, 2007


Quiet is good.....just makes for boring posts.

Maggie's job is sending her to California temporarily. They are opening new stores there and need people that know what they are doing to work until they can get others trained. She is very excited about going, and she likes that she will only be there for a few months.

Kyle bought himself a car. Both boys will be here next weekend. Kyle will be picking up Greg on his way here.

I keep calling them boys, they are no longer boys, they are young men. Young men that I am very proud of. Young men that are starting their lives serving their country.

I taught my first class on runes and ogham sticks last Saturday. Everyone seemed to enjoy the class, and maybe even learned something. Next week is my next class. When I first thought about doing these classes, I had set them up to be very organized with little room for surprizes. Thankfully those plans got tossed, the classes are now very free-form. That works out very well. I have even started putting them on the Pagans Lounge website. Just go through the divination page, then through the runes section. My pages start with Runic Oracle Introduction. I'm still working on adding more information to these pages, and adding pages to the ogham sticks pages as well. I know that I have enjoyed these classes and have learned more myself while putting these classes together. Look at the pages if you want, don't if you don't want to.

Live fully......

1 comment:

Jack K. said...

Teaching is so much fun. I don't what I would do if I couldn't be a learning guide. Life would sure be dull.

I like your idea of following the energy of the class. It will lead you to where you all need to be. Just be alert to the few who will want to usurp power from you. It has happened to me. I recall a time when I gave my power away and it wasn't for the best for the group. It did teach me some things.

Give my best to those two fantastic young men. btw, it would be OK for them to cash the Xmas checks. tee hee.