Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's quiet here, sort of...

The granddaughters have gone back to their Dad's in California, so it is quieter now that they are gone. The big girls are still here, Kyle leaves in the morning. With both of the girls working it can be kind of quiet during the day, with Jerry working nights, it's kind of quiet at night. I am very rarely alone in the house. Someitmes it would be nice to have the house to myself for a couple of hours a day.

Any way, everybody is doing good, working hard, and living fully.

I found the perfect Thank You card for Grandma Sam!

Live fully......


Jack K. said...

I bet you do find those quiet times to go to your special meditation space.

Hope your time with the kids was as joyful as you expected it to be.

I can hardly wait to hear from Grandma Sam.

My best to you all.



shannon said...

Mmmmm, bologna. :)

I love my evenings in the house alone with the trio. Kev doesn't get them often enough. I think I may just have to start doing things every once in a while when he's going to be home. Tomorrow I knit, but he closes so he does not get to enjoy the quiet of the house. Ah well.