Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Feeling Better

Thank you to everyones for all the kind words and thoughts. I feel much better now. It is now a week and a half before Greg leaves, I won't panic until a couple of days before he leaves. He won't be able to call when he gets there, and probably not at all while he's in boot camp. I will have to settle for the first letter he sends, he may not have the time to write too much after that.

Kyle called the night he arrived, then called his girlfriend yesterday. She called me right after they were done talking. He is doing good, and boot camp isn't nearly as hard as he thought it was going to be, but then again he's only been there a few days. He won't be able to mail anything until Sunday, so it will be next week before I have an address. Never the less, I have been writing a note to him everyday in anticipation of the coming address. His girlfriend is hoping that he will be able to write to her before she leaves for college at the end of the month. I'm sure that we will all get something from him by the end of next week. I sent him off with five postage paid postcards, so we should get them by then. I will let those who are interested in writing what his address is in a separate e-mail.

Thanks again to everyone.

Live fully....


Jack K. said...

I look forward to getting his address.

Glad to know you are faring so well. It will get easier. I know from experience.

Take care.



bronxbt said...

now that he's away, you'll be amazed at the ways you can communicate.. much more, you'll be amazed at what you learn about him...


shannon said...

hang in there, sis. i love you.