Friday, August 25, 2006

A Navy Seal!?!

Kyle is trying out to become a Navy Seal. I don't know what all is entailed in the testing and entry requirements. Needless to say, he is going for it, and I know that he will make it. Hooray for Kyle!!!!

Haven't heard from Greg yet. So I called his recruiter to find out if it is normal for the first letter home to take so long in getting here. His recruiter is very good at calming anxious parents, he said that it doe take a while, that they are very busy the first few days, and because the base is so big that the on base post office is rather slow. Then he gave me Greg's address. I have e-mailed it to those that are interested in writing to him. If there is anyone who would like to write to either of them, or has misplaced an address, let me know and I will give it to you.

I am very proud of both boys. There is some fear of either one of them being injured or killed in the military, especially becoming a Navy Seal, I am more afraid that they will not do what they are passionate about. I would be more upset if they didn't go after their dreams, and whatever they need to do to get there.

Live fully....The boys are


Jack K. said...

You are a great mom as well as a great daughter.

Now it is time to pay full attention to you. Take care of yourself. You deserve some self-indulgent pampering.

Love ya,


bronxbt said...

i have 2 close friends from the 'ol high school years that are seals.

hard guys fer sure.

tell yer boy never to lose touch with who he is.

hugs to you all.
though i'd rightly ASK first before huggin' a seal.