Friday, July 07, 2006

A declaration of intent

I have done it! I have done a rune reading for someone other than my family. I did the reading for the lady that owns the shop Incantations. This was the bump in the road that I needed to get over before doing readings for others could begin. It is in this shop that I will be doing readings. It's a neat little shop that is conducive to doing readings.

Here is my declaration of intent: I will do readings, runes and ogham, for those that would like them. I will create bind runes for these that need them. I will do these things out of love and concern for all who ask.

If any one wants to contact me to ask questions about runes, ogham, readings, or bind runes, please contact me at my new hotmail address. I welcome all questions.

Live fully.....

1 comment:

Jack K. said...

Congratulations on overcoming that hurdle. You will serve as an inspiration to me.

I have added your hotmail address to my address book.

Take care of yourself. You are to good a person to ignore yourself.

