Monday, September 10, 2007

Life changing events

Life has taken some strange twists and turns in the past week or so. Jerry has decided to leave me. The reasons that he has given me seem very superficial, not that they aren't true, just doesn't really seem to be "marriage breaking" reasons. He says he wants to live on his own, he doesn't want to put me through the worsening of his emphysema, he can't make me happy, musicians make lousy husbands, and other things like this. He can't even look me in the eyes when he is telling me his reasons.

He had a few complaints about me, I'm not a great house keeper, and I've been depressed off and on for several years, so things didn't get done that should have. I agreed that I shouldn't have let the house or myself go, so I started doing the things that I should do. It was a few days after this that he told me he was leaving me. You will all be glad to know that I am still cleaning things up, though it will take time to get the house back into shape.

At first I was very upset, cried for a long time that day and into that night. Then I was angry, very angry because I couldn't believe that he wanted to leave for such simple reasons. I cried some more, after that I was just pissed. I was mad for most of this past weekend. Sometime Sunday afternoon I went from being mad to being frustrated over the whole thing. I'm frustrated that he hinted at others that he would be leaving before he said anything to me. I'm frustrated that he can't face his own demons, denies that they even exist. I'm frustrated that he won't or can't say what the underlying reason he wants to leave really is. I am very familiar with my own problems, and bad habits, and I'm working on them.

I think that a marriage should be worked at, that problems should be worked though. I don't like giving up on this marriage without even trying to work out the problems, yet that's what he wants to do. So, with that in mind, I went to the court house today and filed for a Legal Separation. It is the best way for me to protect myself, get what I need, and I'll be able to initiate counseling. We both could use the counseling.

I feel stronger now than I ever have before. I'm growing as a person, and will continue to do so through this whole separation/counseling/divorce thing that I have to go through.

Live fully.....


shannon said...

Sis, you know we are here for you. Only he really knows his reasons and it's a shame he doesn't feel he can share them. Drop me an email or call me if you need to chat. I'll also check in with you online...

I love you!! You are an amazing woman!

Jack K. said...

I am sad to learn more about this.

I am glad that you are using it to do what you need to do to protect yourself.

We can always chat on AIM.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Love you,
