Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Road to Nowhere...Revisited

Greg came home again this weekend. It was good to have him here. The only bad thing about the visit is that I had to drive that road to nowhere twice this weekend. His dad was supposed to take him back yesterday, and then backed out. That meant that I had to take him back. I noticed though that while there are no homes on that last part of the trip, there are buildings, and burnt out shells of buildings along this road. Not many, but a few. It can be amazing what is in a desert when you take the time to notice it, and sometimes all it takes is repetition to see it.

Anyway, Greg and Kyle will be back in March for the Ren Fair. That will be fun! Greg will either be picked up by Kyle or will be getting a ride with one of his friends in the Marines, this means I don't have to drive! There will be a bunch of their friends and hopefully a couple of mine going to the fair.

Live fully....


Jack K. said...

Glad to learn that the lads are able to get home.

It is amazing what we can see when we choose to look.

Love ya,


shannon said...

Glad the guys are getting to get home so much! I know it's not fun to have to drive them all that way, but think of the time you get to spend with them, one on one. Yeah, the drive home is sucky once you have dropped them off...

love you!