Monday, October 30, 2006

It's almost November!

A lot of things happen in November. Greg graduates on the 8th, National Novel Writing Month begins on the 1st, Jerry's birthday is the 4th, our anniversary is the 14th, and of course there is also Thanksgiving.

This time next week we'll be in San Diego for Greg's graduation, and afterwards he'll be coming home for a few days. He may even get to stay through Thanksgiving, if not we are having it early. I will be taking pictures and will post them to flickr as soon as I can. I am so excited about seeing him. We have been getting the van ready for the road trip, today it got new tires, which was the last thing that needed to be done to it. So, hopefully we will have very little mechanical problems on the way.

I am taking on the challenge of writing a novel in a month again this year. Keep checking back here as I've added a counter to the side bar so that everyone can keep track of my progress, or you can go to the site and read excerpts. I still don't know what I will be writing about yet, I'm sure that I will figure it out in time to start.

The rest of the things will happen as they are supposed to. All with happiness and merriment.

Live fully.....

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